Investment Strategies
Generates superior alpha with no negative months
CAAP is a low market risk product with a low correlation to the market
It seeks to capitalize on arbitrage opportunities between physical and derivative commodity markets
Targeted Return: 10 - 12 %
Track Record: 8+ years
Generates consistent absolute returns with low correlation to the market
EQAR is a combination of multiple non-directional equity investment and trading strategies
It offers active risk management through dynamic allocation of capital
Targeted Return: 16 - 18 %
Track Record: 5+ years
Follows a systematic approach to equity investing with a high-quality portfolio
SE Fund investment model is based on multiple factors like Size, Quality, Value and Momentum
A rule driven, quantitative research-based approach that has evolved over 8 years with a live track record
Targeted Return: Benchmark + 5-7% p.a. Gross IRR
Track Record: 9+ years
Targets high base returns with potential equity upside through structured transactions
SCOF is a CAT II AIF seeking to generate regular cash flows and structured upsides
Focused on operating assets with underlying cash flows
Well collateralized and innovatively structured transactions mitigating enforcement risks
Targeted Returns: Gross IRR of 18 - 20%
Track Record: 2+ years
Generates high returns with low volatility while providing high liquidity
MSAR Scheme is India’s first CAT III AIF in an LLP Structure combining two distinct strategies:
Commodity Arbitrage: Captures pricing inefficiency between spot and futures market
Equities Market: Multiple, active, market non-directional
Targeted Return: 12 - 13 %
Track Record: 5+ years
Generates consistent absolute returns with low correlation to the market
CAR is a combination of multiple non-directional commodity trading strategies across energy, agri, metals and bullion
It offers active risk management through dynamic allocation of capital
Targeted Return: 16 - 18 %
Track Record: 1 year
Targets high absolute returns with significant downside protection
EVE Fund is CAT III AIF making investments in Discount to Intrinsic Value (DIV) equities
Complemented by opportunistic investments in Fundamental Short Trades and Special Situations
Provides further downside protection using Index Derivatives
Targeted Return: 25%+ Gross IRR
Track Record: 4+ years
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